In deep tissue massage, the deep finger pressure and slow, firm strokes can treat a large number of physical ailments. Some other features of a deep tissue massage are described below:
This massage is a very effective and even affordable way for relieving chronic pain than any other medication. It increases the blood flow throughout your body thus reducing inflation that causes pain. Deep tissue massage can also help to improve muscle tension which is often the side effect of chronic pain.
Improving blood pressure is another effectiveness of a deep tissue massage. It helps to reduce stress and ease tension which in turn has a beneficial effect on blood pressure. According to a study, it was seen that on taking a deep tissue massage the diastolic pressure dropped by an average of 5.3mm Hg and the systolic pressure dropped by an average of 10.4mm Hg.
It increases the production of serotonin, which is a hormone that promotes happiness.
This massage is always recommended to people recovering from surgery as the massage therapy can help break up and even erase the scar tissues in a body. It does this by improving the lymphatic circulation of the affected area.
An effective treatment for any injured muscle is deep tissue massage. It helps in the movement of toxins from the muscles, thus promoting healing. As massage is a proven way to reduce pain, it also relaxes muscles and reduces pain caused by injuries. Deep tissue massage is mostly used in sports injuries.
A deep tissue massage can relief and relax you the strenuous physical activity that you have to go through in the day to day life, and its healing effect is the extra benefit that comes along with it. If you also want to enjoy the benefits of deep tissue massage in Glasgow, you can choose Relax for the body and soul. Their long list of massage therapies has something for everyone. Their professional therapists provide the relaxation that you deserve. To know more about Relax and their services, you can visit their website which is or call them at 0141-328-4119.